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Meredith Stricker

Chief of Staff, Crime and Education Labs, University of Chicago

Headshot for Meredith Stricker

Meredith Stricker is also a senior fellow at The Soufan Center, a think tank focused on global security and emerging threats. She previously served as the founding executive director and led the organization’s research team and speaker series, building on years of experience with counter-terrorism and other security matters. Stricker’s work has led her to formally present on security concerns to high-level government officials and at the United Nations.

With over 15 years of experience in the human rights, peace and security, and development sectors, Stricker has worked on gender policies and economic development programs in the United States, East and West Africa, and South and Southeast Asia. As the program director of the Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG), Stricker acted as a government liaison and advisor for a network of foundations and philanthropists.

Before joining PSFG, Stricker focused on innovative educational opportunities and resource mobilization for children in India, anti-sex trafficking in Cambodia, and women’s economic empowerment projects, property rights initiatives, healthcare, and social entrepreneurship in East and West Africa.

Stricker has a bachelor of arts from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University, where she earned the Dr. Susan Aurelia Gitelson Award for Human Values in International Affairs.